The Art of the Hospital Bag

The Art of the Hospital Bag ( & at home prep)

How am I supposed to know what to bring? Having never done this labor / delivery thing I was somewhat perplexed. I got opinions from close friends but also found myself repacking and adjusting multiple times.

One thing I would say- don’t feel guilty about bringing a suitcase! I wanted to bring a tote or two but that wasn’t large enough so I brought a roller bag and felt high maintenance...that is until I was actually in labor and felt so grateful for everything we brought!

First, I used packing cubes (one for mamas clothes, one for baby’s, one for toiletries etc) which I really loved and was easy for my husband to navigate since he was doing a lot of the digging in our bags throughout the stay. I like these and have used them for travel as well.

One of the most important pieces of advice. If you want to know exactly what’s happening to your baby at all times- keep the baby in the room with you. No or very little nursery time. I had multiple doulas recommend this to me- and I probably let the baby out of my sight for 3ish hours total for testing and exams that’s it. This is obviously personal preference and other factors can be involved ( if they have to go to the NICU etc). But figured I’d share…

Birth plan! I handed these out like candy. Every new nurse/doctor I came into contact with got one and I added a snack sometimes for good measure.

To your right for my list of “must haves” —>


For Mama
Slippers (preferably ones you won’t mind throwing away after using at hospital)
Snacks- coco water, trail mix, thing easy to grab & hydrating/nutritious
Ball - I got a size 75cm & am 5’7’’
Frida Baby Peri bottle - I linked the whole baby kit that I recommend
2 Pillows minimum
Loose comfortable, dark colored pajamas
Comfortable, loose outfit to wear home

For Shower:
Flip Flops // Soap // Shampoo & Conditioner // Towel

For Baby:
Formula (small chance they feed them formula & small chance they will let you use your own formula…but worth a shot!)
Outfits for baby (kimono top and pants bc umbilical cord has not yet fallen off & hats)
Olive oil for meconium
Diapering- diapers, cream, wipes

Breastfeeding bra or tank
Nipple guards

Nightlight (to see to feed at night)
Car seat

Snacks for nurses

Things to have waiting for you at home:
Perineal spray
Disposable underwear
Organic cotton pads
Witch Hazel