
FINALLY sharing my experience with one of my favorite, almost everyday routines – juicing! I’ve been juicing for a few years now and I have to say that it’s one of those habits that I can almost always feel the direct benefits from. 

Why Juice?

       i.        Fast way to get vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients into our bodies

     ii.        To detoxify the body and give the digestive system a rest while fighting inflammation and other chronic conditions

    iii.        Does not contain indigestible fiber like in smoothies, some nutrients can attach to these fibers which does not allow for absorption

    iv.        Improves:       

a.     Immune system

b.     Digestion

c.      Energy levels

d.     Appetite control

If you’re going to go through the process of juicing it’s very important that you:

       i.        Buy organic

     ii.        Wash your vegetables well

    iii.        Have your juice on an empty stomach <preferably in the morning!>

    iv.        Focus on vegetables! Not fruits that contain high fructose

As far as buying a juicer– you can guess I think this is a worthy investment. Here are a few more reasons to justify the purchase:

       i.        You have full control over what veggies you use, ensuring they’re organic and that they’re washed properly <don’t make me get into parasite stories of improperly washed or dirty vegetables>

     ii.        It’s in the convenience of your own home!

    iii.        You can also use for cocktail mixers <think fresh cucumber juice or watermelon juice! > + nut milk & ice cream if you buy a slow juicer

    iv.        Store-bought juices can contain sugar, preservatives, artificial flavors and other additives and can lose nutritional value as they sit on shelves

     v.        You can use the pulp for soups, in recipes, or for compost!

Which juicer should I buy?

A summary - 3 types of juicers:

1) Centrifrugal– Uses a fast metal blade and creates heat. This is the most common type, but because heat is involved it kills some of the enzymes and has less nutritional retention. These are the least expensive on the market, and is similar to a blender in that it's louder when using. Will need to drink juice within 2 hours of making.

2) Slow/Masticating Juicers– These slowly crush and press fruits and vegetables. Because the process doesn’t involve heat, there is more nutritional value and it warrants more juice. Good for cleanses or nut milks. More expensive than Centrifrugal and juice stays better for longer and there is little to no noise.

3) Twin Gear Juicer– These make the highest quality juice, they are more costly, complicated to clean and assemble and are typically larger in size. You also need to use force when feeding and has difficulty juicing some fruits and leafy greens.


I started my juicing journeywith a Breville Centrifugal juicer. I wanted a “starter” appliance and it was a reasonable size, speed and price. But another, slow juicer brand has hit the market that convinced me it was well worth a switch. The HUROM juicer is a better quality juicer, it is actually more compact than my previous Breville, is not as loud, warrants more juice and is a sleeker look as well. 

Here are the 3 juicers I’m linking and why!

1) Breville Compact Juice Fountain– this is very much a starter, “I don’t know if I’m going to use it that much” option. It’s a compact option and the least expensive. 

2) Hurom HP Slow Juicer – this is where I think you should start, at a minimum. It’s a slow juicer, sleek looking, will give you better quality juice and won’t make you want to rip your ears off because of the noise :) it will not make ice cream though…not a priority of mine but could be yours! This is a juicer you will feel good about keeping for years! 

3) Hurom H-AA Slow Juicer – this is my current slow juicer that I own. I really like it for the quality of the machine, the juice it’s size is great even for me in the city. It can make nut milks & ice cream!

Here is a full comparison of all Hurom Juicer models if you're interested!