The items that saved my skin..

The items that saved my skin..

So I’ve talked a lot about my skin issues, and it’s woes since my stem cell treatment this year. I was in so much discomfort for 3 months. Not to mention always wearing a hat when I went out and being embarrassed to see people. Basically what had happened was the treatment “stirred so much up” in my body as far as toxins, hormones, and just rebuilding my body and immune system.  Therefore, finding the answer to my breakout was not an easy one. 

In all reality, calling it a “breakout” doesn’t do it justice. It was like every type of problem rolled into one rosacea, eczema, extreme dry skin etc. I also had not broken out since I was 15 years old – new terrain for me!

This was taken on June 11th - a few weeks after the reaction started…

This was taken on June 11th - a few weeks after the reaction started…

I tried changing my diet, my supplements, skincare, treatment and NOTHING worked. Then I was visiting my doctor one day and he asked me if I had done Biomagnetism recently - because it was clear that the issue was deeper and this method addresses all those issues.

Scared yet?! This was clearly my most miserable stage! Was taken August 22nd…what a way to wrap up the summer!

Scared yet?! This was clearly my most miserable stage! Was taken August 22nd…what a way to wrap up the summer!

Biomagnestism is a therapy using magnets to balance PH in certain areas of the body. The therapy stimulates normal immune system function, increases circulation and oxygenation, normalizing response to inflammation and has many more positive effects. It can help treat basically any ailment – from skin issues to cancer to autoimmune…and Lyme of course! Pre stem cells this therapy always gave me a burst of energy. I didn’t think it would put me into remission, but it was one of the few things that I saw immediate results.

So I booked an appointment with my doctor, who is typically booked out a month or two, due to popularity. Upon arrival he quickly showed me photos of some dramatic skin issues he’s remedied. The belief is that there are always other issues going on with persistent breakouts that aren’t cured by simple skincare. It could be emotional toxicity, bacteria, viral overloads, hormones and other toxins.

My doctor told me he thought my issue stemmed from viral issues and promised me we would make great strides in just 3-4 weeks. He also sent me home with some magnets to use on my face every other day as well as the magnetized face mask from Columbia (that you’ve also had to hear about on my stories!).

So I said a little prayer and started on the regime. Before I left the doctors office the constant dramatic itching had stopped – miracle #1. Over the next two weeks I could feel some areas aggressively breaking out but it still felt like it was going through waves of inflammation. Other areas, where I had breakouts the longest, started healing. It’s almost like some areas still had waves of detox to flow through before starting to really heal - my doctor agreed with this theory.

After these “waves” had run their course, and about 4 weeks later, my face was over 90% better – I could barely grasp that I had found something so effective.

I promised that I had shared photos so…here you go! Also, if anyone is interested in the face mask just my doctor at The mask is $50 and I’ve used mine for months - just a thin layer all over your face overnight. Shoot for every other night or a few nights a week - XXL